Sean McDermotts

Founded 1961

Co. Monaghan

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8 pages in each book with 3 prizes on each page (Single line / 2 lines in one panel / full panel)
On average we give away over €5,000 in prizes weekly and there is a €1,000 prize given away EVERY WEEK.

MAIN Jackpot starts at €10,000 on 45 calls and snowballs weekly by €100.
€1,000 mini-jackpot x4 on pages 2, 4, 6 & 8 - number of calls starts at 45 and increases weekly until won
€1,000 on 45 calls on every other page - At least 1 x €1,000 JP given away every week. GUARANTEED

Link to this week's prizes below...

Books will be sent by email in 2 batches on Friday morning and on Monday afternoon

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Join Zoom on Monday before 8pm (Details sent with your book)
Play at home Every Monday @ 8pm

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